For you parents of autistic children, I don't need to remind you of that day. That dark, dark day that you really faced it for the first time. The day you looked at your child and knew, there's something wrong. That day was five years ago for me. I try not to think about that day, but it will always be with me. That day was so painful, even now, after all this time, I can feel it like it was yesterday. You know what I mean.
Having an autistic child will not only change your lifestyle, it will destroy it. You will be crushed under anger, sorrow, depression, confusion, and desperation. You and you child will be ostracized. Your spouse might leave you. Your pediatrician might dump you. And God forbid, but even the members of your Church might tell you not to come back.
You might be a veteran or just beginning on this journey, but there is comfort knowing that you are not alone. The pain is always there, it might be dull today or it might be acute. So where is the joy? It's there too. Joy and happiness are not the same things. You will never be happy that your child has autism, but there can be joy in the triumphs of the steps they make. Being joyful is a choice I try to make daily. It's one you can make, too. No matter where you are, it could always be worse. Life is short, so focus on the good today.
I love this post. You are so honest and encouraging!