Welcome! I'm so glad you came. This is a place for you, for all of us. Please share your struggles as well as your delights. It is my utmost desire that you leave here encouraged, if only for today, and that you are ready to move forward, joyfully.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Information you must have

If you don't know about Rick Lavoie, it's time you learned. I put a link up on the side to his website. Of all of the books/videos/advice I've had over the last five years, I've not found anything to compare with Rick Lavoie. You must watch these videos, and then watch them again. Your library might have them to check out,they are a little pricey to purchase. I bought mine from the PBS archives, but it was some of the best money I've ever spent. I recommend that you buy them so that you can watch them any time you need to refresh your knowledge and your patients. Remember that no matter how hard it is to have a special needs child, it's harder to be the special needs child. You child is suffering in ways you cannot imagine. These videos helped me learn how to love my child the way he needed. You can do it! Smile and think about the good things.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I don't have a fortune!

"How can I help my child? I don't have endless income! I can barely pay my bills. It's all good for Jenny McCarthy, but I can't afford a fraction of this stuff." Sound familiar? These might be the thoughts running through your head. So what do you do? Can you help your child on a budget? YES! You just have to know what to spend your money on.
1. Don't spend a fortune on books about autism. Go to the library. Search online.
2. Get services through the school system and check with your insurance, some pay for speech therapy.
3. Don't buy special music therapy CDs. Most are nothing more that classical music. You can get classical music CDs at Ross for $1.50.
4. If all you can buy is supplements, do that! If I had to take it to the bare bones, supplements would be what I would fight to have.
5. Make your child go outside. Most of our kids love the indoors, force them out.The sun is free and one of the best chelators around. If your child is toxic a
good sweat coupled with UV and vitamin D from the sun will help.
6. Want to put an air filter in your child's room? Buy a spider plant instead and hang it from the ceiling. You'll save around $40-$100.
These are just a few things you can do. I'll continue to post more ideas for saving money in the future. Hang in there! Love your child the way they need to be loved.